Leggete questi interessanti articoli QUI e QUI.
Alcuni estratti:
Alcuni estratti:
"...Finite le istruzioni
preliminari in addestramento, si esce finalmente in
strada per le grandi tappe di trasferimento o per le manovre. Le
esercitazioni sono normalmente di 120 km da compiersi in 7-8 ore."
"Great march by
Bersaglieri Regiment (From The London Daily News).
A company of the Fourth (4°) Bersaglieri at San Remo made, the other
day, a remarkable march under full weight of accoutrements, baggage, and
arms. Led by Capt. Campo, the brave fellows marched twenty miles of
mountain paths and twenty-one miles of high road at the rate of about
three and three-quarter miles an hour. During the march they met with a
storm of rain, wind, and snow. The march was interrupted by a long and a
short halt which took six hours and fifty minutes. On returning to San
Remo. The company formed in line and the men and their Captain were
highly complimented by Gen. Boido, a eulogium repeated next day by Gen.
C.Alberto de Sonnaz (1839/1920 figlio del Gen.
Senatore Ettore Gerbaix De Sonnaz d'Habères 1787/1867), who said he had never known of a similar march in forty-nine
years of service. The height at which the company arrived on the
mountains was about 5.000 feet (1600 m)."
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